ACT | The App Association is a non-profit membership organisation that supports technology-driven small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) worldwide through community networking events, educational resources, and the opportunity to engage in related advocacy efforts. We work with our members to educate policymakers through storytelling, policy analysis, and direct engagement, focusing on issues like access to research and development tax credits, the mergers and acquisitions landscape, and digital trade. Our mission is to promote policies that inspire innovation and offer resources to help SMEs raise capital, create jobs, and grow the global app economy.
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We harness our small business members’ passion for building great products and services and leverage the power of storytelling through meetings, policy analysis, and testimony to educate policymakers on issues critical to our members and the app economy.
By joining ACT | The App Association, members gain access to three pillars of success:
1) Access to global leaders, policymakers, and media
The App Association connects members directly to the policymakers impacting your business via letter-writing campaigns, petitions, briefings for policy staff, and in-person meetings.
2) A worldwide entrepreneurial community
Our member community is the central pillar of the App Association. We connect our members with one another at both virtual and in-person events around the globe. We host events highlighting emerging tech hubs and help educate app makers and innovators at every stage.
3) Dynamic educational materials
Whether you have concerns about the future landscape of mergers and acquisitions, international data transfer frameworks, or third-party toolkits, we have an endless supply of information, resources, and experts to help guide you to the best solutions for your
business. Our team keeps you updated on pressing policy issues and market trends across the globe through timely news bulletins, social channels, and events.
Terms & Conditions